AMA with Luke Hendrickson

In this AMA, Luke Hendrickson holds nothing back! From broadcast to post-production, Luke answers subscriber questions from a recent interactive live …

Audio for Worship Leaders

In this course, James Attaway breaks down the fundamentals of front of house audio for worship leaders. This course will help any worship leader get t…

PA Tuning (Offline Session)

In this session, you'll learn the differences between “Room Tuning” & “PA Tuning” and the importance of taking your time to properly do bo…

Offline Conference Q&A Panel

Luke Hendrickson leads a Q&A segment with a group of highly experienced audio, video, and lighting experts. They provide their insights on how to appr…

Ingeniería de monitores internos

Una mirada en profundidad a ser un ingeniero de monitores. Desde obtener una mezcla sólida hasta cómo interactuar con la banda en el escenario y todo lo demás.

Ingeniería de monitores

En esta clase, aprenderá los fundamentos de la ingeniería de monitores, incluida la estructura de ganancia, el filtrado, los envíos posteriores al atenuador y RF. Mientras Charlton camina…

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$89 / month

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$89 / month

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$119 / month

10+ Users

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$104 / month

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$139 / month

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