Para indivíduos
Gain access to 500+ videos taught by the pros. Our teachers have worked across the globe with artists such as Jesus Culture, Bethel Music, Ariana Grande, and Britney Spears.
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Assinatura anual
$50 $25/mo
for the first year*
- Access to 500+ videos
- Entrevistas exclusivas ao vivo
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Assinatura mensal
$50 $35/mês
for the first 3 months*
- Access to 500+ videos
- Entrevistas exclusivas ao vivo
*Monthly subscription renews at $50/month after discount period ends. Annual subscription renews at $420/year after discount period ends. Cancel anytime.
Para equipes
Gain access to 500+ videos taught by the pros. Our teachers have worked across the globe with artists such as Jesus Culture, Bethel Music, Ariana Grande, and Britney Spears.